Saturday, March 26, 2011

Poem on Vicodin

The world is colorful
So pretty and yummy
I want something better
To put in my tummy

Cordell is not at work
He does not have it today
It is only Friday
Not Sunday or Saturday

My heart is constricted
My chest feels tight
Someone is sitting on it
But is out of sight

This person on my chest
Is invisible and cannot be seen
I do not understand at all
This is a person, not a bean.

A poem written on vicodin
Is what this is tonight
I wonder if I should have done this
Or if people will be filled with fright.

Outside it is raining
Or has it calmed down?
I do not know because I am inside
I should be wearing a crown.

Horsey makes fun of me
For missing the goodbyes
But I should make fun of her
For having pie eyes.

Now this rhyme is coming to its end
I don't know why I had to say
But I felt like it
So... good day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Knee Sucks

In about October of 2010, I have no idea how it happened, but I tore the meniscus of my left knee. For those of you who don't know what that is, tough. I don't want to explain it and I don't know how. Google it. :P Sadly, it happened again and I have no idea how it happened and now I have to go through Physical Therapy 2-3 times a week for who knows how long. This is going to suck. I don't know if I'm going to need surgery yet. This is going to be decided by an MRI in about a week perhaps. If not a week, a few months and if it's a few months, the doctor has decided to do Physical Therapy without permission of the MRI. Great... 18 and already messed up.

I got this ugly gray "knee immobilizer" or brace it to keep it from moving. I have to keep it elevated and ice it and something or other, which I haven't been doing any of it since I'm lazy, yet still want to walk around whenever I want to. I also have crutches, which give me a SUPER workout. SERIOUSLY! I didn't do this much workout when I did track! Then again, I didn't even run in track. I was a thrower... I hated running.

So, what's gonna happen? I'm going to be fudged up for the rest of my life... that's what's gonna happen. Once you mess up your knee, you're screwed. Ooooohhhhhh great. I have a lovely life ahead of me to look forward to. Ugh. Life is just swell.